Friday, April 15, 2011

Confession is good for the soul.

Can I just say, TGIF. I think it needs a repeat....TGIF. It has been one heck of a week, and I'm so glad the weekend is finally here! Halle-freakin-lujah! And since it is Friday, you  know where I am. Linking up to Mamarazzi's Friday Confessional!


I confess that I am not made for outside work. I worked on a flower bed yesterday and hated every minute. I hate getting dirty, I hate getting hot, I hate sweat. Blech!

I confess that people that want stuff for free annoys me. Yes, free stuff is awesome. If you are offered, take it. But do NOT, I repeat, do NOT, ask for least from me anyway. It makes me want to do the opposite. It's rude, people!

I confess that I have been a complete beyotch lately. Major pms and annoying people equals this gal being frustrated. Apologies, ya'll.

I confess that I have been obsessed with finishing my bedroom. I've redecorated, and that's all I can think about until it is complete. I bought some awesome prints off etsy this week to hang up. I can't wait until they come in and I can share them with you! I still need curtains and rugs, but those will come. I'm just impatient.

I confess that I usually have one or two skank days a week. However, this week, I've put a little effort into what I'm wearing. And it feels good.

Finally, I confess that I have no crazy plans for this weekend, and I'm a little sad about it. I am planning on hitting up the outlet mall in Lebanon, TN tomorrow, so that's exciting. Woo-hoo!

What are your confessions this week?

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