Thursday, October 30, 2008

Through Smoke...PERFUMES.

Perfume is thousands of years old - the word "perfume" comes from the Latin per fume meaning : "through smoke". One of the oldest uses of perfumes comes form the burning of incense and aromatic herbs used in religious services, often the aromatic gums, frankincense and myrrh, gathered from trees. The Egyptians were the first to incorporate perfume into their culture followed by the ancient Chinese, Hindus, Israelites, Carthaginians, Arabs, Greeks, and Romans. The earliest use of perfume bottles is Egyptian and dates to around 1000 BC. The Egyptians invented glass and perfume bottles were one of the first common uses for glass.
Perfumes... gosh! i love them!! ooouuuhhhhiiieeee!! they are the cutest things that happened to humans,(but the worst for the ozone layer :(.. ) fragrances have helped shape lives of most people! i love them. i cannot live without a bottle of perfume(or more..heheh and CHOCOLATES!)...The world's first recorded chemist is a person named lafaunda , a perfume maker who was mentioned in a Cuneiform tablet from the 2nd millennium BC in Mesopotamia. genius can be imprinted in the human genetic code, but wisdom is priceless!! thanks lafunda! your so b%#*y wise!!
and perfume ads are always soo ethereal...heheh... i hope the credit crunch doesnt cripple our sense of smell.


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