Monday, July 2, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Recommendations for fans of The Hunger Games

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

This week's TOP TEN:
Books for people who like Suzanne Collins author of The Hunger Games

One of the great things about books becoming movies is that it creates a craze over the books. It makes me so happy to see my favorite novels getting the attention they deserve. I've had many friends come to me after reading The Hunger Games, asking what they should read next. This is what I tell them...

  1. Divergent by Veronica Roth: It is a Dystopian, with a touch of romance, and lots of action. Plus it is set in a future Chicago, taking a place we know and showing what could become of it.
  2. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld: Dystopian, adventure, and very entertaining. This series is great because each of the books (Pretties, Specials) has a different tone. It keeps you intrigued in the story that much more because every book is distinct.
  3. Matched by Ally Condie: A dystopian that is heavy on the romance. This I reccomend for the people who were drawn to the love parts in The Hunger Games. 
  4. Delirium but specifically Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver: A dystopian (of course) where love is thought of as a disease. I like the first book in the series, Delirium but really think it picks up the pace in book 2, Pandemonium. 
  5. Eve by Anna Carey: This is more of a post-apocalyptic book. But it takes place in the woods and there is an element of fighting for survival that will appeal to fans of THG. 
  6. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling: Seriously, everyone should just read this. 
  7. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater: I'm not really sure which genre this book fits into, but it doesn't matter. It is a beautiful story of an island with mythical horses and two young people just fighting for what they love.  
  8. The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassie Clare: This series is on the supernatural side, but it is exciting and every bit worth the read. Plus there is this character named Jace whom is perfection in written form. 
  9. Legend by Marie Lu: I was shocked by how much I enjoyed this book. It is a dystopian told in two perspectives that is entertaining. There is a little romance, but it is mainly a story of family loyalty and how these two characters paths coincide and conflict.  
  10. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: Just because you read one dystopian doesn't mean you only want to read dystopians, though this list could go on and on with the recommendations. However, if someone has read THG and is just looking for something good to read next, The Fault in Our Stars is my current favorite. It is a hilarious and heart wrenching story. 

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