Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Back to It

It has been too long. After an extended hiatus away from life as a writer, tonight I officially left my apartment for Sbux to put the peddle to the metal. And now I sit, and in the words of my new fitness coach, Jillian Michaels, warming up is key. Thus, a blog post.

Last night, I put an end to it. The saga was finished as the last episode of Supernatural was viewed. Of course I made an evening of it, fixing a meal of veggie burger and sweet potato fries to accompany the viewing of my epic obsession. And it was great. It had the right amount of tear jerker moments, and it ended just as it should have. Ending with potential for a sixth season - thank goodness! It feels a tad surreal that this passion that consumed nap times and evenings is over. But the end comes at just the right time. And because it is over, I can now move on, which leads me back to my writing.

I found when I lived as an avid writer, somehow I felt more purpose in life. At the end of a long day, all of my thoughts and feelings could be channeled into my story and the words I put down on the page. Since letting my fervor for writing fall by the waist side, this sense of purpose seemed to falter. Certainly my blog felt the affect of my mind existing elsewhere. But now - with no more distractions - my life as a writer can begin again.

I almost think I should commit myself to another month long challenge, but I hope that won't be necessary.

Don't get me wrong - my Supernatural craze was well worth it. It provided a lot of imagery that can be channeled into this story. And well, they sure were mighty fine to look at, not to mention fantastically entertaining. But my young adult fantasy novel craze was far more conducive to my writing. However, I don't think that is a fad that I am quite ready to dive back into (though my summer goal is to read the whole Harry Potter series again - Baby and I are onto year 2). I want to read the classics. I want to read all of the works of the great authors out there.

Anyway . . . as I have now warmed up for over an hour and a half, I think it is best that I let my fingers do the talking and allow my mind to slip away into the great unknown.

I am excited to re-embark upon this adventure. I am ready to let the characters in my mind be those that I have written and whose story I set out to tell. 

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