Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Waiting on: Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, where we highlight our most anticipated future books. 

This week's pick...

Finale (Hush, Hush, #4) by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hardcover448 pages

Expected publication: October 23rd 2012 by Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing

Nora is more certain than ever that she is in love with Patch. Fallen angel or no, he is the one for her. Her heritage and destiny may mean that they will always be enemies, but there is no turning her back on him. But now they face their biggest challenge. Can their love survive a seemingly insurmountable divide. And in the end, will there be enough trust left to rebuild what has been broken? The lines are drawn - but which sides are they on?

I loved Hush, Hush. I loved Cresecendo. I did not like Silence. Regardless, I am dying to know what is going to happen to Nora and Patch. Actually, I don't really care what becomes of Nora to be perfectly honest, but Patch on the other hand...I am very invested in his story.

What are you waiting on this Wednesday?

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