Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I might find it wise to wait to blog until the end of the day from now on. For two reasons:
1) I would know what I actually wanted to post and thus didn't bother you with over-blogging. But what can I say, I am a nanny and Baby sleeps for over three hours every day. 
2) I would know that indeed today was not a rainy day, but it was a beautiful, glorious, beam me up scottie kind of a day!

Baby woke from her second nap and Baby's Daddy had so kindly brought the stroller up. I gazed outside to find that indeed the sun was shining in the Western sky. Glorious indeed . . . but was it nice enough to walk? I put Baby in an extra layer and put the bundle me on the carseat. We got downstairs and headed out the door. 

And what should we find . . . that it was 60 degrees outside! I quickly removed my own jacket and hijacked the hat off of Baby's head. 
It was perfect! 

The winter is gone and the cusp of Spring has truly begun! 

Welcome back sunshine. Baby and I greet you with XOXO.

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