Friday, April 30, 2010

Taylor Swift becomes beautiful CoverGirl

Multi-platinum singer-songwriter Taylor Swift can now add COVERGIRL to her list of accomplishments. The 20-year-old, GRAMMY award-winning star has just finished shooting her first advertisements for the beauty giant, and will represent a new line of luxury products for the brand. The ads are scheduled to debut in January 2011.

With millions of fans worldwide, Swift has achieved remarkable success since first entering the country music scene in 2006. To date she has sold more than thirteen million albums and is the top-selling digital artist in music history. Her second album, Fearless, has spent more weeks in the top spot on Billboard’s all-genre Top 20 chart than any other album this decade. The GRAMMY Awards, the Country Music Association, the Academy of Country Music, and the American Music Awards all named Fearless the 2009 Country Album of the Year and, this year, the album won the all-genre GRAMMY Award for Album of the year. Last year, Swift earned the American Music Award for Artist of the Year and was the youngest artist ever to win the prestigious CMA Award for Entertainer of the Year.

“With her fresh beauty and authentic style, Taylor is a wonderful addition to the COVERGIRL family,” said Vince Hudson, General Manager, COVERGIRL Cosmetics. “Through all her success, Taylor remains a grounded and sincere woman who connects with fans everywhere just by being true to who she is. She personifies the iconic image of the brand while representing the next generation of both inner and outer beauty.”

“I am so excited to become the next COVERGIRL,” said Swift. “I have admired many of the COVERGIRLs since I was a little girl . . . great artists and actresses who are confident and still themselves. It’s like a dream come true to be a part of the future of COVERGIRL.” 

IMTA's Regine Nehy in Death at a Funeral!

Regine Neghy plays Martine in the hit comedy Death at a Funeral in theaters now! According to Fandago: "A day in the life of an American family who come together to put a beloved husband and father to rest. As mourners gather at the family home, shocking revelations, festering resentments, ugly threats, blackmail and a misdirected corpse unleash lethal mayhem."
Regine competed at IMTA in New York of 2000. She starred as Samuel L. Jackson's daughter, Celia Turner, in the suspenseful thriller film Lakeview Terrace. Regine played Jacquie in the MTV film Super Sweet Sixteen: The Movie and starred in the the film Pride!

Be sure to get to theaters today and see Regine Nehy in Death at a Funeral!


Domani e' il primo maggio e puntualmente come ogni anno cominciano le polemiche tra chi lo vorrebbe enfatizzare e chi criminalizzare.
Una parte di Italiani considera la festa dei lavoratori come il trionfo dei lavativi,statali,comunisti,studenti sfaccendati,drogati.
Anche per chi la appoggia le motivazioni risultano un po' "annacquate" ma in un mondo che corre sempre di piu' e una societa che tramite TV e Rete tende a estinguere i rapporti Intersociali fisici...che poi siano dietro ad un bel bicchiere di vino o ad cannone poco zaccandrella, il concertone,una manifestazione ,devono essere presi con leggerezza , un bel time out sul mondo sempre piu' vorticosamente accelerato nella sua rincorsa verso la tanto decantata ,capitalistica, "crescita".

Paradossalmente la nascita della festa dei lavoratori e' nata tra U.S.A. e Canada nella seconda meta' dell'ottocento ma fu ufficializzata solo dopo la Rivolta di Haymarket (Chicago),nel Maggio 1888, dove la polizia sparo' sui manifestanti causando numerose vittime.
Nel 1889 la seconda internazionale di Parigi alla presenza di tutti i delegati socialisti del continente la ratifico' per l'Europa,in Italia venne approvata due anni dopo,nel 1891.
Come tutti i governi dittatoriali di destra,piu' vicini alle classi padronali,anche il nostro beneamato Benito "Mascellone" Mussolini,la aboli durante il "Ventennio" sostituendola con una piu' autarchica "Festa del Lavoro Italiano" in data 21 Aprile ,giorno della nascita di Roma.
Subito dopo la fine della seconda guerra mondiale ,nel 1945, fu ripristinata.
Tristemente noto invece il primo maggio 1947 per i noti fatti di Portella della Ginestra (Palermo) in cui la banda del bandito Giuliano sparo' contro duemila lavoratori in festa,ma questa e' un'altra strana storia Italiana da approfondire.
Dal 1991 ,centenario della festa in Italia, CGIL CISL e UIL organizzano a Roma un concertone che attira artisti di grosso calibro e centinaia di migliaia di spettatori vocianti.
E dopo questo cenno storico ,che magari fara' riflettere un po' su cosa e' costato sto' benedetto giorno di festa,vi auguro un fantastico primo di Maggio in famiglia,con gli amici insomma godetevelo e' la vostra festa .

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Avevo interroto il racconto accasciato a dormire su di un sedile posteriore alle sei del mattino successivo alla partenza.
Dopo un paio d'orette di dormiveglia ,piu' veglia che dormi, passando tra gole spettacolari e fiordi innevati che neanche i miei compagni di viaggio norvegesi avevano mai visitato , abbiamo cominciato a percorrere strade piu' decenti e soprattutto senza neve e intorno alle dieci del mattino all'altezza di Oslo ci siamo fermati per un break mangereccio.
Durante il break ho chiamato la nostra agenzia viaggi a Milano per avere aggiornamenti "aerei",ma purtroppo tutto era ancora bloccato e anche loro non sapevano che pesci prendere , se non prenotarmi un albergo per attendere la fine dell'emergenza.
Quindi ho ripreso il toro per le corna e ho deciso di continuare alla volta di Kristiansand per prendere il primo traghetto per la Danimarca.
Fortunatamente una delle compagne di viaggio,May, e' di Kristiansand e saremmo comunque dovuti passare da la',la stessa ha chiamato il marito per farmi prenotare un passaggio sul Fast Ferry Boat ma.... porca puttana,la corsa pomeridiana era soppressa per un avaria al motore di uno dei traghetti di linea.
Da qui si evince che come da legge di Murphy "Se una cosa deve andare male...andra' male".
Pero' il marito di May mi rassicuro' dicendomi che avrei potuto prendere quello che partiva da Larvik per Hirtshals (Danimarca) alle 1645...meno male che anche Larvik era di strada.
Mezz'ora dopo il Break ,senza i nostri caffe' ma quell'acquaccia di polpi che si sorbono da quelle parti,il temerario pilota norvegino,proprio mentre la strada tornava ad essere stretta e tortuosa,aveva un collasso della palpebra e richiedeva un cambio.
Quindi il "mitico" Tronk Vatanen riprendeva il comando del mezzo scatenando l'inferno su strada ....mi ero sinceramente rotto le palle di stare in macchina e non vedevo l'ora di arrivare ,quindi piazzata Layla a intercettare gli autovelox ho schiacciato culo ai limiti.
Alle 12 e 30 arrivo alla stazione Marittima di Larvik,saluti di rito e mi avvio alla biglietteria con il codice di prenotazione ,in cui ,grazie al passaparola telefonico tra norvegesi,ero diventato "Klaudio Bulleni",se non era per il codice e quando mi trovavano.

Ritiro il biglietto e esco dalla stazione marittima in cerca di un posto dove rifocillarmi,o comprare una bottiglia d'acqua...solo in quel momento mi accorgo che vicino la stazione marittima della "Color Lines" non c'e' un emerito cazzo,a parte qualche terminal commerciale e un paesetto che sembrava Pere Lachais a Parigi in piccolo ,solo un cimitero e pompe funebri di fronte...che allegria.
Comunque dopo una bella camminata trovo ristoro in un supermercato dove compro acqua e un po' di troiai di conforto per il viaggio e ritorno alla Color Lines.
Alle 1600 finalmente imbarco e comincio a scambiare quattro chiacchere con un collega Danese che tornava da Stavanger.
Lars, cosi' si chiama, mi spiegava che la miglior cosa ,era raggiungere Fredericia,uno snodo ferroviario da cui passano tutti i treni da e per Copenaghen.
Mentre mi diceva che avrei dovuto prendere un treno,se c'era subito, o un taxi, un signore sulla cinquantina seduto accanto a noi si offriva di darci uno strappo fino a li, visto che era di strada.

Thomas,Danese,un misto tra Bernacca e Detti del duo Detti e Carini (Se avete fatto le medie nei miei stessi anni vi ricorderete di questo professore che insegnava tecnica in coppia con la prof.ssa Carini) all'arrivo a Hirtshals ,nel rilassamento ci eravamo pure bevuti un par di birrette, ci ha imbarcati nel suo Mercedessone di 13 anni da Zingari e siamo partiti.

Il compare aveva una pipa che caricava continuamente mentre andava sui 140 all'ora e fumava a nastro e io dietro a colpi di Lucky Strike...non da meno Lars rispondeva al fuoco con colpi di Marlboro Rosse,insomma se guardavi in macchina da fuori vedevi solo nebbia....che Paradiso senza rompicoglioni di non fumatori che t'avvelenano la vita co' le polemiche invece che col fumo.
Alle 2300 l'allegra comitiva era a Fredericia e ci facciamo portare alla Stazione Ferroviaria,salutiamo il mitico Thomas che tutto ingrifato andava a dormire dalla sua donna due ore e mezzo di viaggio ci ha ragguagliato delle sue gesta da Novello Casanova per tutta la Scandinavia...mentre io e Lars abbiamo visionato la situazione treni...nulla...fino alle 0800 dell'indomani.

Quindi mi saluto con il gentilissimo Lars che con 30 minuti di Taxi arrivava a casa,mentre io con un altro taxi raggiungo un Hotel vicino ,il "Postgarden",classica stamberga d'appoggio per viandanti disperati,dove mi sono concesso finalmente un lunghissimo e rilassantissimo fax sulla linea rossa e naturalmente Doccione ristoratore.
Sveglia puntata alle 06:30,taxi prenotato per le sette mi sono finalmente lasciato andare ad un sonno ristoratore ....e ora vi mollo...alla prossima puntata dell'Odissea Vulcanica,appena mi riviene l'ispirazione.

Christian Louboutin 2010 collection!

The prices range from $785-$1500. Christian Louboutin studded shoes! Made for men but worn by both sexes.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Tyson Ballou in D&G's new Anthology Ad Campaign!

Check out this amazing video of IMTA's Tyson Ballou in a video for D&G's new Anthology fragrance line. After competing at IMTA in 1996 he signed with Ford Models and is now with Wilhelmina New York. He has appeared on runways and in ad campaigns for every top designer, including Jil Sander, Emporio Armani, Moschino, Perry Ellis, Donna Karan, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Byblos, BCBG, Valentino Roma and Hugo Boss. He has also appeared internationally on the covers and in editorials of major fashion magazines including L'uomo Vogue, Perry Ellis, Fila, Jalouse, The Face, Harper's Bazaar, Arena Homme Plus, Visionaire, Numero and W. According to "The eminent Mr Ballou goes to prove that a spectacular model will log a spectacular career, no matter how much the industry changes or shifts. Tyson's unique brand of beauty, flawless professionalism and long-lasting charisma has won him a long catalog of clients. This Texan was discovered at age 15 and has been modeling non-stop since. That kind of career performance is so rare it moves into the territory of awe-inspiring."!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

IMTA's Alum Amy Acker on Happy Town Tonight!

Amy is starring in a new ABC drama called Happy Town premiering tonight in an episode called "In this Home on Ice". The show takes place in a small town where many unsolved crimes have taken place. After five years of peace and order, new crimes start to happen. Amy plays Rachel Conroy in this creepy new show which is getting alot of press.

Amy competed at IMTA in the nineties and industry great Patrick Baca was integral in scouting and launching her at IMTA. She has starred on Ghost Whisperer, How I Met Your Mother, October Road, Law & Order: Criminal Intent and Dollhouse. She appeared as Kelly Peyton, the assassin, on the series Alias. Amy recently guest starred on the finale of the action adventure TV show Human Targets.


Non so se sapete cosa sta succendendo in quest'ultimo mese all'Argentario.
Tutti siamo a conoscenza di quanto sia forte e presente la Marineria da Diporto a Porto Santo Stefano ma anche quanto sia sempre bistrattata ,maltrattata , mal informata e mai protetta dalle autorita' preposte.
Quella dei Diportisti e' una categoria sempre soggetta agli umori dei cosiddetti "armatori" che per la maggior parte sono ricchi e arricchiti, che di mare nulla sanno e poco gli importa dei sacrifici ,che il loro equipaggio deve affrontare per essere sempre aggiornato e con le carte in regola vista per la selva di cavilli burocratici ,che emerite teste di cazzo annidate nei ministeri e nelle capitanerie,si inventano ogni anno.
I diportisti per rinnovare il proprio certificato IMO (In poche parole il foglio che gli permette di lavorare) hanno dovuto seguire un corso molto impegnativo e affrontare un esame veramente tosto per ottenere la certificazione GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System).

46 dei nostri paesani (In tutt'Italia 980) sono stati truffati da un ente Campano che gli ha rilasciato questa certificazione dopo un corso e l'esame di rito,finqui nulla di strano ,senonche' circa un mese fa' e' scoppiata la bomba che quest'ente non era altro che un associazione truffaldina e pertanto tutti i certificati,firmati anche dal Ministero, risultavano fasulli.
Quindi anche tutti i certificati IMO ,ottenuti presentando la certificazione GMDSS,risultavano non validi.
E qui scatta il caso da "Mi manda RAI 3".
La Capitaneria ,che dovrebbe essere l'Ente preposto alla tutela del personale Marittimo, non solo se ne e' lavata le mani ,ma oltrettutto trattiene i certificati IMO implicati,lasciando praticamente a piedi 46 babbi di famiglia.
Da un Ente come la guardia costiera mi sarei aspettato un minimo di tolleranza,anche perche',grazie alla loro cattiva assistenza i marittimi si trovano implicati in prima persona .
L'indirizzo di questo famigerato ente e' stato trovato in Capitaneria,se lo trovi li' supponi che sia una cosa sicura e loro cosa fanno?
Ti ritirano l'IMO senza spiegare cosa succedera'.
Anche se qualche marittimo ha presentato,in un secondo tempo, un nuovo GMDSS "vero" ,questi non glielo prendono in considerazione.
In poche parole sembra quasi che i truffatori siano i marittimi....sicuramente la cosa verra' chiarita,ma con i ferraginosi meccanismi burocratici di un ente statale e per giunta Militarizzato,passera' molto tempo.
Intanto la bella stagione avanza e i nostri paesani sono ancora al palo non potendo imbarcare ,o rischiano lavorando in "Nero".
E' una situazione inaccettabile,siamo ancora ,nel terzo millennio,l'unica categoria il cui contratto non e' di "Assunzione" ma di "Arruolamento"'e possibile che, ancora ,la marineria civile debba subire le direttive di teste inquadrate militarmente, ingabbiate nel loro assurdo sistema burocratico, che puo' andar bene per gestire una caserma non gente che lavora "per davvero".

MarediModa/IntimodiModa coming soon

Maredimoda Intimodimoda, the international invitation-only show for beach and underwear fabrics Made in Europe, has officially announced the dates for its ninth edition, backed by results from the last fair, which showed an increase in visitors of more than 8% compared to 2008 (3,161 instead of 2,920), when 15 more exhibitors took part.

For over 100 exhibitors it was a chance to meet buyers from the 800 most qualified manufacturers in the world, representing 70 countries including Italy, France, Spain, Great Britain, the United States, Japan and Russia. These figures reward careful selection of exhibitors through meticulous internal procedures, the quality of the products on show, an unusual formula and the work environment at a fair which is univocally recognised as being the unique unrivalled benchmark for the highest representation of European collections for beach and underwear. This result, confirmed and emphasised by sample interviews carried out in the fair just a few hours before it closed, must also be seen as a fairly strong signal of confidence regarding the new-found enthusiasm of buyers in Cannes.

“The next edition of MarediModa/IntimodiModa”, stresses President Claudio Taiana, “will feature important evolution in terms of supply. In the first place, we will be dedicating more space and a new format to the trend forum, coming up with a big-impact truly innovative formula. We will be hosting and sponsoring an important international forum in the wake of last year’s success, we will give more visibility and value to the dedicated Outsourcing area that we were the first to introduce as a qualified model of alternative production. We are extremely pleased to see that our example has been followed by other international shows. We will be presenting activity category models regarding the real opportunities that outsourcers have if they no longer target the Far East, but look to North Africa or Eastern Europe: Maredimoda Intimodimoda will in fact be at the Salon De la Lingerie in Tunis in April with a view to further strengthening relationships with our North African partners. We will also see the second act of THE LINK, the world’s most ambitious talent scouting competition, involving the 100 most famous creativity schools in Europe. Its debut far exceeded expectations for the quality of the work presented by the students involved”.

Mention must also be made of the huge investment already made in terms of resources and energy into the underwear section, set to play a decisive role in the short term for the fair due also to its scheduling and strategic positioning. First-time previews of collections will be organised for top buyers and co-marketing with exhibitors will be fine-tuned. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why Gianfranco Zola should leave Upton Park

"I have an opinion and I don’t think it’s my job to convince anybody, I could argue that there is nothing to convince about. I would hope he stays. He has been through hell and back. It has been a very difficult season for him. He has had new owners, owners before that who were not participating. Now he knows he is part of West Ham, whereas before he was isolated. So I hope that this moment of success we are enjoying will continue. I would have thought that he deserves another crack. But he’s also a man who might feel that it’s time for him to take a sabbatical"

The words of West Ham United co-owner David Gold, displaying another damning lack of support for their current manager. Ever since the club was taken over from the troubled Icelandic Bank Straumur, cutting all ties with its also troubled businessman Bjorgolfur Gudmundsson, Zola has struggled to receive the backing of the board, even though his time at the club has been somewhat of a struggle itself.

Zola took over from Alan Curbishley, who left in unceremonious circumstances in 2008 after the sale of two West Ham players without his consent. The former Chelsea and Parma star brought in Diego Tristan and Radoslav Kovac into the club, selling Craig Bellamy (who demanded to leave), Hayden Mullins on load, relegation tainted Nigel Quasie to West Brom and Julian Faubert on loan to Real Madrid (a miracle if there ever was one). West Ham finished 9th in the league, an excellent end to a turbulent season, in which they had a very rocky start.

This current season, Zola’s second in charge, the only high profile signing he managed to bring in was that of Italian Alessandro Diamanti, who has received rave reviews despite to financial constraints crippling the club. The club then released big wages Lucas Neill, Calum Davenport, sold Lee Bowyer to Birmingham, James Collins to Aston Villa and shipped the awful Savio back to Italy, while finally and unfortunately, losing Dean Ashton to retirement. The club were also fined for failing to control the crowd during the League Cup match against Millwall. Problems mounted for Zola.

Then on January 19th 2010, a small ray of light seemingly shined down on the East London club, whereby former Birmingham owners and lifelong West Ham fans David Gould and David Sullivan took over the club promising to revolutionise the club, move to a new stadium and finally be in the Champions League within 7 years (very farfetched if you ask me). But this ray of light was soon blocked by the very real belief that these plans have been made without Zola in mind, with the owners constantly coming out, being more than willing to talk to the media in which topics always seem to end up discussing the future of the manager. Complete disrespect. If the owners have plan to sack Zola or force him out off the club, then do it more respectfully. Keep your boat shut and wait at least until the end of the season, where he has ultimately kept the Hammers up, and then do so gracefully, with dignity. The latest to come out of their mouths is that stating they feel he may leave of his own accord, which I wouldn’t blame him to do, and go ply his trade somewhere where he deserves it.

Let’s look at the determining factors:


Loved and respected

No matter what happens, Zola is a respected figure in the game, and could probably get a job at any league in the World, now he has had two season in the Premiership. Zola is adored in England just as much as he is in Italy. Italy manager one day? Parma manager? Both sides would be interested, maybe even one of the relegated clubs such as Hull or Burnley may take a look at someone who plays attacking, technical football.

Fight and Heart

In the face of adversity, the boss has had the backing of senior members of the squad and managed to show total deserved disregard for the owners, instilling the belief that has kept West Ham in the League.

Captain Scott Parker backed his manager saying; "Everyone has massive respect for the manager and [it’s] clear to see"

Striker Diamanti said; "He works very hard and is a top guy and is always the one who takes responsibility when we don't play well. He is always there for us, always encouraging us and always on our side. We don't forget this, so I was extremely pleased to win and when I scored, my first thought was for the boss."

Even Everton Boss David Moyes said; "He [Sullivan] is entitled to have his say because he owns the club but I don't necessarily think it helps. This is a difficult time with only a few games to go and managers need support and help. I think it is better to say things like that behind closed doors.”

These professional’s continuously backing the Italian, again display the respect held for Zola, where the bargaining power and ability of Zola is supported throughout the League. Should Zola sign for another club, his relationship with these key allies could subsequently damage West Ham in the future.


Lack of fear instilled in the players?

This is something which was argued from the get go. Zola is seen as a nice guy and a gentleman of the game, but is this lack of discipline which has seen them slide down the table, rather than the financial difficulties hindering their progress forward?

Panic signings + Huge wage bill

Ilan on a free transfer. By no means a very good player a few years ago, but St Etienne had been struggling in the French League and allowed a player to leave on a free transfer. He has only player 8 games since January and only scored 3 goals.

Benni McCarthy from Blackburn, £2.5 million. He has only played four games this season... What more is there to say? He has score no goals... Terrible signing.

Mido on loan from Zamalek. He has played for Tottenham Hotspur, Wigan Athletic and was relegated with Middlesbrough; he has never been prolific in the Premiership and is well known for his disruptive and disrespectful attitude.

Guillermo Franco on a free transfer. The Mexican has been a good signing and has shown good experience and knowledge of the game, but for a player who doesn’t look quick enough for the Premiership, he is unlikely to be around for the foreseeable future.

Kieran Dyer. He has only played 18 games in 3 years. Now fair enough Zola did not sign the winger but surely his career at the top level is over and he should actually consider significantly reducing his playing career. Did I mention he earns £60,000 a week?

Luis Boa Morte. Again another player inherited by Alan Curbishley (he is to blame for this high wage bill). The injury prone left winger was happily sold by Fulham for a tidy figure of £5 million, and hasn’t played at all this season. He turned down a move to Hull in January because they wouldn’t meet his wage demands! God only knows how much he gets paid.

Whether Zola’s time in charge of West Ham has been deemed a success of not, the 43 year old has achieved whatever objectives he has been set. A mid table finish in his first season, avoid relegation in the second season, he has done so. Could he simply be the man of bad fortune? Being in charge before the midst of this takeover and now subsequently being “temporarily” in charge until the end of the season? Who knows, but one thing is clear no matter what comes at the end of this season, it’s not the end of the road for Zola, as he will be able to leave with his head high, while West Ham must come with a very good replacement in order to restore the damaged morale, and subsequent divide in the dressing which may come to fruition should the club do what everyone now expects them to do.

What are your opinions on the West Ham situation? Leave a comment below

Monday, April 26, 2010

CK’s multi-brand runway show features 100 looks from fall

Calvin Klein Inc announced that the company’s Creative Directors – Francisco Costa (women’s Calvin Klein Collection), Italo Zucchelli (men’s Calvin Klein Collection), and Kevin Carrigan (ck Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans) – traveled to China to host a multi-brand runway show this past weekend. The event featured 100 looks from the Fall 2010 apparel and accessories lines on more than 70 models from around the world for a vip audience that spanned the worlds of fashion, art, sports, and media.

Joining Messrs. Costa, Zucchelli, and Carrigan, were Tom Murry, President & CEO, Calvin Klein, Inc., and many other notables including actress Eva Mendes, Hidetoshi Nakata, Lim Soo Jung, Liu Ye, Du Juan, Chinese pop band, SuperVC, Georgina Wilson, and Fernando Marcos “Borgy” Manotoc – all of whom were wardrobed by Calvin Klein Collection.

Those in attendance who were wardrobed by ck Calvin Klein included Taiwanese actor/model Ethan Ruan and supermodel Liu Wen, who closed the show and is currently featured in the ck Calvin Klein Spring 2010 advertising campaign.

Other notables in attendance included Lilin Wong, Zheng Gang, Veronica Chou, Jacqueline Zhao Jun, Jing Xing, Han Feng, Qiu Hao, Lu Kun, Bo Soong, B6, Zero Lin, Trevor Lai, Yang Yaqi, Samuel Bourdin, Hua Shen Xian, She Ya Jing, Yang Zi, Luo Yi, Sun Zhe, Su Mang, Grant Pearce, Christina Ong, Beng Seng Ong, and Formula One’s Bernie Ecclestone.

The event also marked the launch of Calvin Klein X Underwear, the latest offering to be introduced globally from Calvin Klein Underwear. Famed Japanese soccer star Hidetoshi Nakata – one of the four high-profile athletes and actors featured in the brands’ new global advertising campaign – hosted the official after-party, in a space adjacent to the presentation which had been transformed for the evening, while New York DJ Stretch Armstrong led the music for the evening.

The event featured a special installation with 20 live underwear models impactfully positioned throughout the industrial space on red scissor lifts, against a backdrop of oversized video screens playing the new Calvin Klein X Underwear video – also featuring American actors Kellan Lutz, Mehcad Brooks and Spanish tennis star, Fernando Verdasco.

The invitation-only event was held at Bund 1919, a landmark building and former textile factory, situated on the scenic Huangpu River in the Wu Song area of the Baoshan district in Shanghai.

Guilt of the Unhealthy Obsession

Every now and again, something comes along that changes your life forever. 

It used to be that I would waste nap time watching things such as Regis and Kelly and Food Network shows. But for the past few months, a new show has come into my life and changed the way I spend nap time.

This show is called - ahem - Supernatural. Now, my lil' sis told me that I should limit the amount of people I admit this obsession to, but I told her I would blog about it -- thus, here it is.

Supernatural is a show about two brothers who fight evil (ghosts, demons, vamps, etc.) and look sexy while doing it. It is shown twice a day, everyday on TNT's primetime in the daytime. And twice a day, every day - I watch it.

It used to be that I would turn it on after I put Baby down for her morning nap. I would catch the last twelve minutes and be extremely confused, watching it while I either blogged or wrote. The acting seemed bad and the plot somewhat non-existent. However, I eventually decided that it would make more sense to record the program. Boy did I underestimate how this would impact my life.

The moment I set the automatically record every episode button was the moment in which I sold my dignity and began my obsession.

I can't believe it took me so long to finally watch this show. It is exactly what I look for in a television program. Every episode is its own great little pocket of adventure, imbedded in the on going story of the battle between good and evil. And though initially it seemed to lack plot, this is indeed not true. Usually I would go into more description of the story line, but I think I better not (you probably understand why). The main characters are two brothers who are extremely attractive and rugged. Dressing in ensembles consisting of denim on denim or flannel, they go out on the hunt for supernatural creatures that plague our world - and kill em'. As I am a huge fanatic of fantasy and make believe, I dig it. And when those boys shed tears with such genuine vulnerability - I nearly cry myself (nearly).

I am not ashamed of this obsession. I am realistic and I accept the show for what it is. I certainly would not go about telling you to start watching this show immediately. In fact, there are very few people I would actually recommend it to. But it consumes a better part of my life, and I blame it for the fact the last time I blogged was about manure.

There are few professions that allow you three hours (fingers crossed) a day to do whatever you please. And as should be, I have one of those fine professions. And what I so please is to watch Sam and Dean Winchester drive around in their Impala, from state to state in search of bad guys. If that is wrong, well then I do not want to be right.

PFA Team of the Year 2009/2010

Manchester United Striker Wayne Rooney picked up PFA player of the Year, as many of you voted for, and saw the news posted last night on our Facebook page. Aston Villa’s James Milner picked up the Young Player of the Year award also.

The PFA of the Premier League also named their team of the season last night, and here’s the team in detail:

Joe Hart - Goalkeeper
Club: Birmingham (on loan from Man City)
Played: 34 games
Clean Sheets with the Club: 10

The young Englishman has been excellent between the sticks for promoted side Birmingham and was fundamental to keeping the midland’s club in the Premiership, helping them to achieve a club record 15 games unbeaten run. The 23 year old is now being converted by the likes of Arsenal, while a return to Man City is most likely. He is now on the brink of the England 1st team and is expected to travel to South Africa this summer. This loan move has undoubtedly been successful, so much so the likes of Manchester United’s Ben Foster should get off the United bench and take note.

Branislav Ivanovic – Right Back

Club: Chelsea FC
Played: 26 games
Clean Sheets with the Club: 16

Was linked with Real Madrid in the January window but decided to stay with the Premier League leaders due to an extended run in the 1st team. Although a centre back by trade, the Serbian has easily slotted in at right back filling in for the likes of the injured Jose Bosingwa and Paulo Ferreira, and has been one of Chelsea’s most influential players.

Thomas Vermaelen – Centre Back

Club: Arsenal FC
Played: 33 games
Clean Sheets with the Club: 13
Goals: 7

The Belgian has been brilliant for Arsenal this season, making the transition from Dutch Side Ajax to the Gunners with relative ease. One transfer which slipped under the radar with Wenger paying more than normal, £10million. However the defender played every game for Arsenal this season until his unfortunate sending off against West Ham earned him a one match ban, and a calf injury against Tottenham ended his season. Now regarded as the best defender in the Arsenal side, chipping in with 7 goals in the process, he can expect to be the key man at the back for many years to come.

Richard Dunne – Centre Back

Club: Aston Villa
Played: 35 games
Clean Sheets with the Club: 15

The Irish defender suffered heart break when the hand of Henry put the Republic of Ireland out of the World Cup, but he steadily recovered to help his side reach both the League Cup Final and Carling Cup Semi Final. He has also helped Villa challenge for the Champions League spot, while Martin O’Neill’s men are more likely to qualify for the Europa League. No failure none the less, while more of a personal achievement for Dunne himself, as he was ousted from Man City in favour of Kolo Toure, Vincent Kompany and Joleon Lescott. Dunne is now respected as one of the most improved and most consistant defenders in the Premiership gaining acknowledgement from both Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsene Wenger.

Patrice Evra – Left Back

Club: Manchester United
Played: 36 games
Assists: 3
Clean Sheets with the Club: 17

Somewhat of a suspect singing four years ago, he has started every Premier League game this season, helping Man United challenge the the Premiership, helping United win the Carling Cup along the way. Going forward; superb, defensively; more so, the Frenchman is now rightfully considered the best in the World.

James Milner – Left Midfielder

Club: Aston Villa
Played: 34 games
Goals: 7 Assists: 12

The second Aston Villa player on the list, and another man ready to go to the 2010 World Cup. Milner has been in excellent form this year, collecting the PFA Young Player of the Year Award to boot. The midfielder’s versatility is that which has improved his overall game, with the ability to play both left and right midfield, or even as a central midfielder. At the age of 24, he has many more years to come playing at the top level.

Cesc Fabregas - Centre Midfield

Club: Arsenal
Played: 27 games
Goals: 15 Assists: 13

The stats speak for themselves; the Spaniard has had his best season on the field for the Gunners and can find himself very unlucky not to be collecting any silver wear this season. The Arsenal captain has been instrumental in the attacking prowess of the Gunners and can expect a very successful season next year as long as the club stays injury free and significantly strengthens it options.

Darren Fletcher - Centre Midfield

Club: Manchester United
Played: 28 games
Goals: 3 Assists: 4

The industrious midfielder is known for his hassling and hurrying play, keeping some of the most influential and talented midfielders in the World quiet! Sorely missed in last year’s Champions League final the Scottish international is a fully fledged fan favourite at Old Trafford and is arguably the first name on the team sheet in Ferguson’s mind. Has held down the central midfield role this year, ahead of Michael Carrick, Darren Gibson, Anderson and Owen Hargreaves (although injuries haven’t helped the latter’s situations). A future Man Utd captain? Only time will tell.

Antonio Valencia - Right Midfield

Club: Manchester United
Played: 34 games
Goals: 5 Assists: 7

The £16million signing from Wigan was linked with Manchester United for a very long time, even before Cristiano left. Now unfortunately he will always be compared the 80 million pound man as he was brought in directly after CR9 jumped ship to Real Madrid, but with this team of the year recognition, he clearly has done a commendable job. The Ecuadorian has done very well for United this season with his direct running and technique, with undoubtedly his crossing ability his strongest attribute. Valencia needs to significantly needs to improve his finishing, but he is becoming a very good player for the club and at the age of 25, has a long future at Old Trafford.

Didier Drogba - Striker

Club: Chelsea
Played: 30 games
Goals: 25 Assists: 10

The first of the dream partnership up front, Chelsea’s number 11, Didier Drogba. Chelsea now look odds on favourites to pick up the Premier League and FA Cup titles, while Drogba has been the focal point to this success. Almost the complete striker, he has power, touch, presence, prowess, technique, ability in abundance, you name it, the 32 has it, and he doesn’t look like slowing up any time soon. He is a match winner, and has been vital to Chelsea over the past few seasons. Expect him to play significantly well with the Ivory Coast at the World Cup and spring a few surprises. To read more about the African star, click here.

Wayne Rooney - Striker

Club: Manchester United
Played: 30 games
Goals: 26 Assists: 3

Again, one of the best strikers in the World, and England’s World Cup hope. The striker has been brilliant for Manchester United this season, scoring winners in many vital games, including the winner against Aston Villa in the Carling Cup final. The 24 year old also possesses excellent pace, acceleration, power and determination, but most impressively standing at just 5ft 10in he has scored numerous headed goals this season. Expect more to come this summer and beyond. For more on Rooney click here.

That’s the in-depth player information regarding the PFA awards. Let me know whether you agree with this list of if you feel any players were missing. Lampard? Darren Bent? Michael Dawson maybe? Let me know what you think

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Alyson Stoner's new single!!!

Check out Alyson Stoner's gorgeous new single! Available now on iTunes, it's getting rave reviews! Alyson's vocal talent is so impressive. Here are some of the reviews on iTunes:
"I love this song. Another great song to add to my book of faves."
"...It is so pure and peaceful and has such a fun beat to keep you uplifted, no matter what you are going through."
"Amazing song and very catchy!"

We at IMTA agree and hope you will check out Alyson's great new single!

Alyson competed at IMTA in 2000 and has received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Special Class—Short-format Animated Programs for Phineas and Ferb. Alyson is the voice of Isabella. Alyson is also starring in the Disney's Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam. She will be reprising her role as Caitlyn in this exciting project!!! Alyson has starred in many major feature films including Camp Rock, Cheaper By The Dozen movies and Alice Upside Down.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Bazen iki üç gün bloga bir şeyler karalamadığım zamanlar, "hayırdır, bir sıkıntı mı var?" şeklinde yorum yazan, e-postalar gönderen arkadaşlar oluyor. Hem onları böyle meraklandırmamak hem de blogu takip edenlere haber vermek adına ayrı bir başlıkta bu düşüncemi belirtmem gerek.

Bir müddet, artık ne kadar olur onu bilmiyorum, bloga bir şeyler karalamaya ara vermek istedim. Bunu temelli bir ayrılık gibi düşünmeyin tabii. Birkaç gün sonra da olabilir dönüş, birkaç hafta sonra da olabilir. Zamana bırakmak lazım herhalde. Sadece bloga bir şeyler karalamaya uzak kalmayı tercih ediyorum bir müddet. Mola gibi bi nevi. Başka bir deyişle "es" ya da...


Blog dediğin şey bi nevi günlük. Ciddi bir farkı var elbet. Bunun diğerinden ayrı olduğu husus; sen istersen hissettiğini, düşündüğünü, yaşadığını yüzlerce kişinin okuyabileceği bir ortamda paylaşıyorsun. Bir şeyi yazmak ya da yazmamak senin elinde. Aynı şekilde paylaşıp paylaşmamak da... Ben mümkün mertebe burasının bir futbol blogundan ziyade, gayet kişisel bir blog olduğunu her fırsatta dile getirdim ve getirmeye devam edeceğim. Burada bölümden mezun olduğumdan günden tutun, iki sene evvel Anneannemi kaybettiğimiz güne kadar özel hayatımla ilgili bazı hadiseleri yazmıştım. Yanlış anlaşılmayacağını ve abes bulunmayacağını düşünmüştüm. Hakkaten de öyle oldu. Samimi bir dille yazdım bu olayları ve yine samimi tepkiler aldım. Şimdi yine öyle samimi bir dille hissettiklerimi, duygularımı yazmak istiyorum.

Geçen haftaydı. Rüyamda sela okunduğunu duydum. Uykulu bir şekilde vefat eden kişinin ismini bekledim. Selayı okuyan imam ya da müezzin her kimse artık, Babaanemin adını zikretti. N'oluyor? diyerek yataktan aniden kalktım. Çevreme anlamsız gözlerle baktım. Odada her eşya yerli yerindeydi. Ancak aşırı rahatsız edici bir sessizlik hakimdi. Hemen fırladım evine koştum. Kapıda beni Dedem karşıladı. Ve Babannemin vefat ettiği haberini verdi.

Bu rüyadan iki gün sonra bir yemek esnasında rüyamı Anneme ve Babama anlattım. Rüyaların tersi çıkarmış şeklinde bir inanış var ya, biz de ona yorduk bu rüyayı...

Birkaç gün önce Babaannem ciddi manada rahatsızlandı. Salı günü Alsancak'taki doktoruna götürdük. Bizi öğrencisinin olduğu ve böbrek hastalıkları konusunda olumlu şeyler duyduğumuz Yeşilyurt'taki Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesine yönlendirdi. Aynı gün içerisinde Babaannemi hastaneye yatırdık. Dönüşümlü olarak yanında refakatçiler kalmaya başlayacaktı. Bir gün sonra refakatçi değişti, akşam üzeri aniden yoğun bakıma alınmış ve nöbetçi doktor "hemen yakınları çağırın" demiş. Biz de apar topar Yeşilyurt'a gittik. Önce bize "hastanız yoğun bakımdan dahiliye bölümüne geçmiş" diye sevindirici bir haber verdiler ama sanırım bu bir taktikmiş. Sonradan öyle yorumladım zira. Hastanenin koridorlarında bir oraya bir buraya koşuşturmanın ardından en son olmamız gereken yerdeydik. Hastamızın durumunu öğrenmek için adını söylediğimiz anda şöyle bir cümle duyduk. "Aa.. Evet, teyzeyi 15 dakika önce kaybettik". O an saliselik bir sessizlik de olsa ömrümün en uzun sessizliği gibiydi. Bir gün önce hastaneye yatırdığımız, tedavi sürecinde diye düşündüğümüz Babaannemin kalbi durmuş. Önce tekrar çalıştırılmış, daha sonra bir kez durmuş...Tekrar geri döndürülememiş...

6 yıllık böbrek rahatsızlığı olan ve 10 yıldır astımı olan biriydi Babaannem. Ölüm raporunu inceledim. Yazılı olan dört nedenden ikisi bunlardı. Yazılı en son neden tabii ki kardiyak arrest, kalbin durması yani. Bunlar sebepler... Eskilerin deyimiyle vakit saat dolmuş demek lazım sanırım.

Şimdi acaba şöyle olsaydı, böyle olur muydu soruları uçuşsa da kafamda, ne değişir ki? Giden gitti bir kere.

Gezmeyi ve çevresindeki insanların yardımına koşmayı çok seven biriydi. Başkalarının dertlerinin peşinde koşmaktan kendi dertlerini unuttu bir bakıma. Vefatını duyanlar taziyelerini bildirmeye geldiler ve hala geliyorlar. Ve hepsi, Babannemin onlara yaptığı ve bizim bilmediğimiz birçok yardımdan bahsettiler. Cömertliğini bilirdim ama tabir-i caizse Buz Dağı'nın yalnızca görünen kısmını biliyormuşuz. Cenaze namazında camii avlusunun dolup taşmasını, mezarlıktaki kalabalığı, onu son yolculuğuna uğurlayanları görmüştür inşallah.

Her işi hemen bitirmeyi severdi. Telaşlı biriydi. Ölüme de telaşlı bir şekilde gitti. Elden ayaktan kesilmedi. Sadece son iki-üç gün rahatsızlanmıştı. Salı günü hastaneye yattı, çarşamba gecesi vefat etti.

Gezmeyi çok seven biriydi. Cenazesini Yeşilturt'tan Manisa'ya (memleketine) cenaze aracıyla taşımamızı başka nasıl açıklayabiliriz ki? Yine geze geze gitti Manisa'ya...

Geçen yaz bana baskı yapmıştı ve İstanbul'daki akrabalarını görmek istediğini söylemişti. Biraz yorucu olmuştu onun için bu ziyaretler, oradan oraya kaç yere gitmiştik. İlk defa gördüğüm akrabalarına bile uğramıştık. Son kez görecekmiş demek ki onları. Mutlu olmuştu, bana kaç kez "sağolasın Hasan'ım...Allah razı olsun" demişti sayısını hiç hatırlamıyorum. Gerçi bir gün Mecidiyeköy'ün o illet öğlen sıcağından payını aldıktan sonra, "aman al İstanbul'un senin olsun" demişti ama çok mutlu olmuştu akrabalarını gördüğü için. İyi ki dolaştırmışım onu. İyi ki vapurla karşıya geçmişiz, Karacaahmet'te kabir ziyaretinde bulunmuş vs.

Neyse, daha fazla uzatmayayım. Onu anlatmaya benim kelimelerin yetmez. Şimdi geride kalan anılar var hafızada (küçükken beni severken "kıvırcığım" derdi mesela, söyleyiş tarzıyla hep aklımda). Bir de acı çekmeden ve çevresine çektirmeden ölmek istemesi ve bu duasının kabul olduğunu görmenin tebessümü var elde.

Arayan, soran, bir şekilde ulaşıp taziyesini bildiren herkese buradan da "sağolun" demek istedim.

Mekanın Cennet olsun Babaannem...Allah rahmet eylesin...
Senin kıvırcığın.

Teen fashion icon Miley Cyrus kicks off Habbo Runway

Habbo Hotel, the world's largest virtual community, has turned into a fashion house, as the Habbo Runway campaign launched with a search for the best Habbo Fashion Designer. The competition will be judged by multi-platinum Hollywood Records' recording artist and teen fashion icon Miley Cyrus, who kicked off the campaign.

Habbo Runway is a global fashion campaign, taking place in all 31 Habbo Hotel communities around the world. A celebration of teen creativity during the four weeks of fashion campaign, millions of Habbo users will be able to participate in various beauty and fashion-related activities. The campaign's highlight is the fashion designer competition, as all Habbo users around the world will have the chance to compete for the title of the Best Habbo Fashion Designer.

After local competition rounds and user voting, Habbo's fabulous celebrity judge, Miley Cyrus, will select and announce the global winner. In addition to fame and fortune in the virtual community, the winner will get his/her winning clothing designs produced and released as Habbo Hotel virtual clothing, available to millions of users around the world. 

More About  Miley Cyrus

Joe Cole proudly cuddles his newborn daughter

The Chelsea footballer's delight was apparent as he carefully held his baby girl Ruby Tatiana close to him after a family day out. The 28-year-old midfielder beamed down at his one-month-old as he arrived back from a trip to the park with wife Carly today.

He even proudly showed her off to a couple of neighbours as he stood outside his west London home. Ruby Tatiana, who was born on March 18 at London's private Portland hospital, and weighed 6lb 3oz, is the couple's first child.

Title-chasing Joe and Carly, 25, wrapped her up snug as they took her for a walk round the park. And despite only giving birth a month ago, Carly looked in terrific shape in leggings, knee-high boots and fitted shirt.

This week, Carly showed baby Ruby Tatiana off to the world in Hello! magazine.
And she revealed that she let her husband choose their daughter's name, as a reward for his support during her 16-hour labour.

In an interview to accompany a photo shoot for the glossy magazine, she said: 'I told Joe if he was good when I was in labour he could choose. Proud parents: Joe and Carly, who grabbed a coffee, take a stroll down the King's Road.

Carly said Cole was a hands-on father who changes nappies and she predicted that Ruby Tatiana will be a 'daddy's girl'. She said: 'He's more of a worrier than me and I think he'll be protective.' And she said she's already taking after her famous father, adding: She is absolutely a mini-Joe. He's already talking about what sports he wants to play - he wants her to learn to play tennis.'

Joe Cole, don't say we didn't warn you...Don't let John Terry goes near your wife..You won't know what might happen with Terry around ;p

Friday, April 23, 2010


Me la so' tirata.
Nel post precedente avevo parlato dell'evento vulcanico in Islanda quando ero a bordo...poi so' sceso e da li' ho capito quale rottura "Magna" puo' essere se sto' o sti vulcani se la tirano per le lunghe.
Dicevo so' sceso domenica notte verso le 23 e avevo du' alternative, o andarmene in albergo a Kristiansund ad aspettare l'evolversi degli eventi o mi aggregavo a Rolf,May e Lisa che avevano affittato una macchina per lanciarsi alla volta di Stavanger...circa 12 ore di viaggio piu' a sud.
Premetto che le condizioni climatiche erano al miglior Gennaio Norvegino,quindi tormente di neve,strade ghiacciate ...insomma tutto il programmino,che normalmente a meta' Aprile non dovrebbe piu' presentarsi...anche lassu'.
Ho pensato "Voli nce ne so' e chissa' quando ci saranno...vabbe' intanto fo' come le anatre...volo a sud...cosi' intanto m'avvicino" e mi so' imbarcato...solo che tra tre Norvegini alla fine m'hanno messo il volante in mano a me.
Strada innevata,pneumatici invernali...mi dico " Mani Sui coglioni e avanti Savoia" e so partito. Dopo pochi Km dall'uscita di kristiansund primo pit stop ad aspettare che gli spazzaneve pulissero un passo,per scavalcare il primo "Poggio" e gia' ero strada che ho trovato in seguito era come la strada pe' anda' dai passionisti,un po' meno ripida ma a tratti o totalmente ghiacciata con il carico da 11 che ha cominciato a nevicare a fiocconi,tanto da non farmi mai usare l'abbaglianti perche' faceva l'effetto tipo co' la nebbia,me li rifletteva in faccia.
Tra un fiocco e n'altro ,npar di moccoli e qualche derapatella alla Ari Vatanen dei tempi migliori intravedo una sagoma sulla strada,riesco a evitarla ,anche perche' non andavo fortissimo, e ad identificarla in una Renna.

Non penso sia gradevole speronarne una ,le femmine delle Renne sono grandi come i maschi dei nostri Daini,quindi fare attenzione alle renne,anche perche' non si vede una sega.
Solo che a mie spese ho capito che li' le renne per la strada non sono un'incontro fortuito,ma la normalita' poche parole so' come i gatti da noi e proprio come i gatti rimangono flashate dai fanali.

Comunque,tra 'n fiocco,un moccolo,'na derapata e 'na Renna raggiungiamo Molde,dove le strade pulite facevano presagire che il peggio era no,solo la quiete prima della tempesta,visto che continuando sulla strada 64 abbiamo notato che la 64 si tuffava in un fiordo e in quel momento vorresti per due minuti,solo due,quel tafano dell'impiegato dell'AVIS di Kristiansund che nello spiegarci la miglior strada per andare a Sud ci aveva indicato con cognizione di causa quella che stavamo percorrendo omettendo che ci voleva il traghetto e che il traghetto riprendeva il servizio alle 0600....eravamo a mezzanotte e mezzo...cosa dovevamo fare stare a congelarci per quattr'ore nel bel mezzo del nulla? direi proprio di no.

Sulla mappa in dotazione notiamo una flebile lineetta che stava ad indicare una stradina che poteva permetterci di aggirare il fiordo (50 km in piu'...'na bazzecola co' Vatanen al volante) e ci lanciamo...ecco ora,se sulle altre strade 'no straccio di passata lo spazzaneve ce l'aveva data,questa non ne aveva sentito neanche l'odore,in piu' ci passava una macchina e mezzo massimo,buia, co' la foresta di conifere tutt'attorno e renne,questa volta a branchi di venti/trenta,che fortunatamente si mantenevano a ciglio strada,a parte qualche temeraria che mi trovavo a corrermi a fianco.

Completato l'aggiramento fiordo abbiamo continuato il calvario fino alla spettacolare Andalsnes,sembra quasi spiaccicata dalla montagna a picco che la sovrasta,dove abbiamo imboccato una strada quasi normale,tipo la nostra da giannella a santo stefano,ma sempre ghiacciata.

All'alba,co' 'na cecagna che n'finiva piu',panorami mozzafiato (in parte so' stato ripagato),strade pulite e cielo terso ci siamo fermati a bere un Caffe' "acqua di polpi" Norvegese che un taverniere ultrasettantenne identico a Enzo Biagi gentilmente ci offriva per premiare il nostro atto "temerario"...a quel punto siamo ripartiti e mi sono sentito di dire al mio coopilota (coopilota 'na sega,ronfava come 'na marmotta), dopo 7 ore di battaglia "Compa' ora sta' a te" e mi so' accasciato sul sedile posteriore.....
Il seguito appena mi riviene la voglia di scrive

Topshop High Summer with go-behind-the-scenes video camp

Topshop has launched its High Summer 2010 collections, just in time for the sunshine. To accompany the new collections, Topshop customers can access a behind-the-scenes video from the brand’s advertising campaign shoot which shows the newest trends for the summer season. Packed with styling ideas, it is the perfect way to get inspired and choose what to fill your wardrobe with.

Topshop’s in-house design team have the enviable task of finalising the trends the store will feature each season. They do this by trawling the globe in search of the most exciting new pieces, snapping great street style looks, and being inspired by all the cool places they visit. These ideas are then brainstormed, developed, and crystallised into the current Topshop High Summer collections.

For summer there are a lot of new looks to have fun with. Summer Fete offers a mix of sorbet shades, pretty prints and bleached-out denim, whilst in Festival Army, military-inspired pieces have a grungy edge. In Club Tropicana, body conscious summer dresses and hotpants in bold prints and colours look at home on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Finally, jersey maxi dresses, sleeveless denim gilets and towering platforms offer slick city chic in Body Armour. Topshop dresses continue to be key, particularly those featuring pretty sherbet colours and pastel ginghams. Shoes are also a big trend for SS10 with wedges and clogs taking centre stage.