Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Dump

The weekend is over.
Work week is here.
I'm not happy about this.

The 2 days in between h.e.l.l.  work always go by so quickly, don't you agree?

My weekend was rather exciting, or my Saturday was, I should say. After I got home Friday, I was lying on the couch...trying to figure out what I was going to do. Should I go see my brand new niece?  Did I want to rent Safe House with some of my favorites, Ryan Reynolds and Denzel Washington? While I was deciding, my brain decided to shut down for awhile, and the next thing I knew, I woke up about 9pm, freezing to death. Well, I guess that question was answered for me.  Since I had to be up at 4am for the Warrior Dash, I just went straight to bed. When I got my wake up call, I was well-rested, I have to admit.

I will say that waking up before the sun comes up is for the birds. Even a McDonald's coke and ham biscuit didn't put me in a chirpy mood while the sun was coming up. Ugh. However, once we finally made it to the Dash location, I was pretty excited.

Our guys were first in line for the first run that day. They were all so pumped up.

Mom and I cheering them on!
They all finished and did an amazing job. So proud of each of them.

After the long haul back home, showering the dirt off, and getting ready, I headed to BG for girls night. We hit up some Shogun, the mall for some Semi-Annual Sales, Target (of course), and TJ Maxx. Being completely broke put me in a semi-jank mood...I mean how fun is it to see all of this stuff you want to buy, but can't? Boo! Despite that, it was fun to finally be able to hang out with them again.

I slept super late Sunday, I suppose to make up for my early morning the day before. I did a few loads of laundry, then went to see the most perfect baby ever.
Raelyn- 5 days old.
I ended up napping a bit when I got home, because let's face it...that's what I do. I finished up the laundry that I had started that morning, walked a bit (torture if you ask me), and ended the night with some Real Housewives of New Jersey. I have no doubt that I could be besties with Jacqueline, Melissa, and Caroline. Love it.

Now it's Monday. I'm at work, but blogging and catching up on what all of you have been up to.  How was the weekend? Anyone else doing a Warrior Dash?

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