Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Oscars!

I would like to thank the Academy . . . 
Tomorrow night is one of the most magical nights of the year . . .
The Academy Awards.
Each year, all of the A list celebs gather together to celebrate this magical night.
And each year, I gather around a television to celebrate with them.
I print out ballots. I make a dessert. We order greasy food.
The Oscars is one of my favorite nights of the year.
And then for a week or so preceding I imagine myself as a famous actress.
I have just starred in some heart breaking role and was awarded the academy award.
Following is the speech I would deliver:

First and foremost I want to thank God, without whom I wouldn't be standing where I am now. 
Next I would like to thank . . . Aaaahh, Oh my goodness, I can't believe I am standing here right now!
I would like to thank my magnificent family, who believed in me through and through. 
Without you, I would never have had the courage or audacity to follow my dream!
I would like to thank the director and cast for supporting me and helping me through this production. You are incredible and part of me now.
I would like to thank the academy! There are so many beautiful and talented women nominated tonight and it is such an honor to even be in a category with them. 
Last but not least, I would like to thank my brilliant self.
Without my talent and charisma I never would be standing here today.
So here is to me. Thanks for being so absolutely fantastic.

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