Dear humidity- Please go away. My hair more than triples in size when you are here. It loses it's curl and becomes a large skanky mess. You are not doing anyone any favors by being here.
Dear yard sale buyers- Please come to my house and buy my junk. I have so much stuff and I really need to get rid of it. And the money would really be helpful!
Dear student loans- You really are stressing me out. How can one freaking degree cost so much money? And I'm not even using you. Just think of what I could do with that extra money. Ugh.
Dear judgemental mean streak inside of me- You are fun. You make people laugh. But maybe we should try a vacation for awhile. I'm just saying that the nice girl wants to come out and try this life for awhile.
Dear houseboat- I love you. I would live on you forever. You are so fun. Please be mine. Or at least someone that loves me and would let me use you every weekend. Thanks.
Happy Friday, y'all! :)
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