Monday, May 31, 2010
Fashion Faceoff: Kim K. vs. Tyra Banks

Simon G. Jewelry presents SUMMER SOIREE
Recently receiving the LEED-EB Gold Certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Existing Buildings) by the U.S. Green Building Council, The Venetian and its beautiful pool is the perfect setting to showcase world renowned designer Simon G.'s sustainable collection of jewelry, while at the same time supporting the vision of Global Green USA. Global Green USA, an American arm of Green Cross International (GCI), is a national, environmental non-profit organization striving to create green low-income housing, neighborhood schools, and city buildings across the nation in an effort to combat global climate change. Global Green works towards solving the world's most urgent environmental crises through their technical expertise, advocacy, and education. In support of Global Green's initiatives, Simon G. Jewelry has created a sustainable line of jewelry that connects fashion to the environment and allows consumers to add to their jewelry wardrobe while supporting the work of Global Green.
"Simon G Jewelry has always been conscious of their environment and strived to produce their award winning designs in the most eco friendly environments, using sustainable material," said jewelry designer Simon G. "It is with great pride that Simon G Jewelry's award winning design team presents their latest collection of affordable, sustainable statement pieces of fashion jewelry that benefit the work of Global Green."
Filler ve Çimen
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Blog Söyleşileri #4: Şadan Erturgay

İlk gittiğiniz Fenerbahçe maçı hangisiydi?
1967 yılında yanlış hatırlamıyorsam. Fenerbahçe-Vefa maçıydı.

Bir zamanlar “halkın takımı” olarak zikredilen Fenerbahçe için bugün aynı şeyleri söylemek mümkün mü?
Bence mümkün. çünkü Fenerbahçe'nin halkın sevgisini kazanmasının sebeplerinden biri de ülkemizi işgal eden emperyalist güçlere karşı oynadığı maçlardaki galibiyetleri ve cepheye kulübümüz tarafından yapılan yardımlar halk tarafından sevilmesine vesile olmuştur.Bizler de Ata’mızdan aldığımız bu emaneti haklın takımı olaraktan devam ettiriyoruz.
Tribünlerle ilgili bir soru sorayım. Geçmiş dönemdeki anlayış ile şimdiki arasındaki fark nedir? Yıllarını tribüne vermiş ağabeylerin bugün tribüne ve tribün kültürüne sahip çıkmaları gerekirken, birçok ismin aksine tribünden uzaklaşmasının sebebi nedir?
Geçmiş dönemdeki anlayış ile şimdiki arasındaki fark sevgi bağının eksik olması. Siz de belki hatırlarsınız. O zamanlar sizler çok genç yaştaydınız. İnönü’de kimseyi dışarıda bırakmazdım. Tribünlerde şapkaları çıkartıp para toplatırdım ki dışarıdaki kardeşlerim içeri girsin diye. Ve herkes seve seve verirdi. Şimdi ise anlayış çok değişti. Tribünden uzaklaşılmasının sebebini iste ekonomik şartlara bağlıyorum.

Birkaç yıldır Fenerbahçe tribünlerinde ilginç olaylar yaşanıyor. Bunlar hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz?
Bence bu olayların yaşanmasındaki en büyük sebep taraftar gruplarının fazla olması ve birbirleri ile tam olarak diyalog kuramamaları.
Aziz Yıldırım nasıl bir başkan?
Efsane Maraton denince aklınıza neler geliyor?
Efsane Maraton denilince bizim zamanımız ve bizden sonraki bir dönem geliyor. nşallah yine eskisi gibi olur.
Fenerbahçe ve diğer tribünlerinden unutamadığınız simalar kimdir?
Galatasaray tribününden Mehmet Abi ( Bizim amigo Yaşar abinin kardeşi.). Beşiktaş tribününden Şeref. Bizim tribünden ise hiçbir abimi ve kardeşimi unutamıyorum.Unutmak mümkün değil.
Sizi tribünle alakalı en çok üzen olay nedir?
Taraftarlarımızın birçok gruba ayrılarak parçalanması. Bence grupların birleşerek eskisi gibi tek ses olması lazım.

Tribün kültürü adına bugün olumlu bulduğunuz, geçmişe kıyasla daha iyi dediğiniz şeyler var mı?
Tribün kültürü olaraktan eskisi gibi olunmasını isterim. Yalnız teknoloji imkanların daha fazla olması ve bu imkanlardan olumlu yönde yararlanılması tribün kültürü açısından olumlu buluyorum.
Günümüzde birbirine düşman tribünler olduğu gibi, araları çok iyi olan tribünler de var. önceki yıllarda durum nasıldı?
Bizim zamanımızda Fener'in Fener’den başka dostu yoktu. Biz hepsini aynı kefeye koyardık.
En sevdiğiniz tezahürat hangisi? Fenerbahçe tribünlerinin tezahüratlarını genel olarak nasıl buluyorsunuz?
Döndük sahaya doğruyu.. Milyonlarca ... Tezahüratlarından hepsi birbirinden güzel :)

Fenerbahçe-Galatasaray maçı futbol derbisidir. Fenerbahçe-Beşiktaş maçı ise tribün derbisidir derler. Bu yoruma katılıyor musunuz?
Ben buna katılmıyorum. Bizim için tribün derbisi yoktur. Fenerbahçe tribünü tektir.
Geçmişte yaşanan olaylı Eskişehir deplasmanı dendiğinizde aklınıza ne geliyor?
Olmaması gereken olaylar yaşandı. Biz Bozuyök'e geldiğimizde emniyeti uyardık. önümüze bir ekip arabası verdiler öyle stada gittik. Daha sonra olaylar başladı.İnşallah öyle olaylar bir daha yaşanmaz.
Biraz da futbol soralım. Endüstriyel futbol diye bir kavram çıktı. Bu konudaki düşünceniz nedir? Genel itibariyle, eski günleri özleyen nostalji sevdalılarına “geçti o günler” diyenler haklı mı?
Endüstriyel futbolla beraber taraftar profili de değişti. Seyirci oldular. Takım yenmiş yenilmiş umursamaz oldular. Oysaki geçmiş yıllarda bizim tribünlerimiz öyle miydi? Eskiyi bizler de sizler de çok arıyoruz..
Fenerbahçe tarihinin en kötü transferi sizce hangisi?
Bence kötülerden çok yanlış transferler yapıldı. Maldonado gibi.

Unutamadığınız Fenerbahçe kadrosu hangisi? Sebebi nedir?
1974-1975 sezonunun şampiyonluk kadrosu. çünkü o sezon Fenerbahçe'nin yaptığı maçların gazeteden çıkan resimleri deftere yorumlarıyla beraber yapıştırarak bir arşiv oluşturdum. 5 defter olarak hala bende duruyor.Belki kulüp müzesine hediye edeceğim. O yüzden sezonu unutamıyorum.
2000’li yılların başlamasıyla Türk futbolu geçmiş yıllara kıyasla gerek kulüp gerekse de Milli Takım bazında oldukça başarılı işlere imza attı. Sizce bu gelişimdeki en büyük sebep nedir?
O dönem kulüpler iyi bir jenerasyon yakaladılar. Bu jenerasyon da milli takıma yansıdı.
Sorularımıza vakit ayırıp cevaplandırdığın için çok teşekkür ederim. Sizin gibi yıllarını tribüne vermiş ağabeyleri tanımak, böyle blog söyleşileri yapmak benim gibiler için büyük keyif…Tekrardan teşekkürler. .
Grup CK'da kardeşlerim... ben de size çok teşekkür ederim. Fenerbahçe tribünlerine 36 senesini vermiş bir tribün lideri olaraktan tribüne sizin gibi değerli kardeşlerimi kazandıran bir abi olaraktan ben teşekkür ederim. İnşallah grubunuz daha güzel şeylere imza atar. Benim bir sözümle söyleyişi bitirelim.
"Yaşam biter FENERBAHÇELİLİK asla bitmez.."
Şadan Abiniz...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
City Maçı Başlamadan Önce
29 Mayıs 1453

Ashley Greene on the Cover of Seventeen Magazine!

Thursday, May 27, 2010
8 Players to watch out for in South Africa 2010
Since there are just 13 days till this year’s World Cup, Real Talk Football have looked over the 32 teams and will highlight the player from each group to look out for, and discuss what they bring to the table for their countries campaign.
Group A
Name: Luis Suarez
Country: Uruguay
Age: 23
Position: Striker/Attacker
Int Caps: 29
Int Goals: 10
The Ajax front man was handed the captaincy of the Dutch side due to Thomas Vermaelen’s transfer to Arsenal. The striker is one of the most converted strikers in Europe and it is believed Chelsea have first option on the 23 year old. He has also been liked with AC Milan, Manchester United and Arsenal.
Suarez has excellent technical ability, skill and acceleration. He has dominated the Dutch league over the past few seasons, scoring 84 goals in 126 appearances. However players such as Mateja Kezman and Afonso Alves failed to replicate their tremendous goal scoring record outside of Holland, so it will be interesting to see if Suarez gets his move abroad, and if it’s an eventual success. With his natural ability and talent, he is more than capable of slotting into a top European side.
Group B
Name: Angel Di Maria
Country: Argentina
Age: 21
Position: Left Midfield
Int Caps: 8
Int Goals: 1
I’m sure everyone has heard this individuals name in the last 6 months; he has been instrumental to his club side Benfica’s return to prominence in the Portuguese league. The left winger has been touted with a move to many of Europe’s big clubs including Liverpool and most likely suitors Real Madrid.
Renowned for his excellent dribbling ability, technique and long shot, the 21 year old is part of Diego Maradona’s 23 man squad and is expected to be competing for the left midfield spot as he takes part in his first World Cup. Look out him, he’ll be wearing the number 27 shirt.
Group C
Name: Maurice Edu
Country: USA
Age: 24
Position: Centre Midfield
Int Caps: 13
Int Goals: 1
The 24 year old plays for Glasgow Rangers in Scotland, and is a bullish tough tackling midfielder with excellent stamina, speed as well football ability. He can attack, pass effectively and is competent enough to play in different positions. He has 13 caps for USA and was instrumental in helping them qualify. Only injuries have hampered Edu’s career somewhat but should he stay fit, he could go onto greater things.
Edu was the 2007 MLS rookie of the year in America, before he joined Rangers. Now making his first appearance at the World Cup, expect him to compete for the central midfield role, while his versatility allows for him to slot in a centre back in need be.
Group D
Name: Mesut Ozil
Country: Germany
Age: 21
Position: Attacking Midfielder
Int Caps: 8
Int Goals: 1
Touted as one of the most exciting and promising young playmakers, the Werder Bremen German born player of Turkish descent is playing at his first World Cup. Creativity, flair, technique, agility; just some of the words used to describe the individual’s game, subsequently leading to him being linked to some of Europe’s big names, however it is more than likely that Ozil will stay in Germany for many years to come.
Ozil’s International name was established at under 21 level where he was the key to Germany’s European Under 21 Championship triumph in 2009. Now with Michael Ballack ruled out of the World Cup, Ozil will now have the opportunity to compete with players such as Tim Kroos, Piotr Trochowshi and Bastian Schweinsteiger for the central midfielder role, something in which the 21 year old will undoubtedly grasp with both hands.
Group E
Name: Nicklas Bendtner
Country: Denmark
Age: 22
Position: Striker
Int Caps: 32
Int Goals: 11
Who else is their but the Arsenal forward? Halfway through the 2009/10 season the young Dane had to step up to the plate on his return from injury to finish with 12 goals in 31 appearances, helping the Gunners third in the Premiership. The Danish international receives mixed reviews from both critics and fans alike, however he undoubtedly has the potential and ability to be one of Europe’s top strikers.
Bendtner has 32 caps for Denmark and has scored 11 goals. His is a tall rangy striker, with great aerial ability, balance, hold up play and technique, while his finishing ability leaves a little to be desired (similar to that of Zlatan Ibrahimovic). However with the full backing of both Arsene Wenger and International coach Morten Olsen, the 22 year old will be the focal point of Denmark’s attack in pursuit of the World Cup trophy.
Group F
Name: Stanislav Šesták
Country: Slovakia
Age: 27
Position: Striker/Right Midfielder
Int Caps: 29
Int Goals: 10
The 27 year old versatility and pace are amongst his strong points, as the VFL Bochum attacker can play either right midfield or up front. He was Slovakia’s top goal scorer in the qualifying campaign with 6 goals, helping his side finish top of their qualifying group above both Slovenia and Czech Republic.
The 27 year old has been around for a few years, mainly playing in the Slovak league, achieving a impressive goal scoring record, helping him gain a move to Germany. His pace, acceleration and technique are amongst the qualities possessed by Sestak, which will have to be implemented in South Africa if the Slovakians are able to cause an upset, provided they carry their qualifying form into the tournament.
Group G
Name: Gervinho
Country: Ivory Coast
Age: 23
Position: Striker/Right Winger
Int Caps: 13
Int Goals: 4
Gervinho, full name Gervais Yao Kouassi is one of my personal favourite players, currently playing in Europe with French side Lille. He has played 22 times for the French club, scoring 11 goals in the process.
The Ivorian possess excellent dribbling ability, combined with agility and drive, with his direct methods causing defenders all kinds of problems. He has played in the Europa League last season, and is playing in his first World Cup. When playing for the Elephants, he plays up top in a front three consisting of Salomon Kalou and Didier Drogba.
Group H
Name: Alexis Sánchez
Country: Chile
Age: 21
Position: Striker/Left, Right Winger
Int Caps: 27
Int Goals: 10
He made his international at 17 year of age in 2006, and has been in and around the squad since then, before fully gaining a starting role within the squad He during the 2010 qualifying campaign, which coincided with his move to Udinese in Italy in 2008.
The Chile number 7 scored 3 times in the CONMEBOL qualifying campaign, with 10 from Humberto Suazo, helped Chile finish second in the table behind Brazil. Although not prolific in Italy, only hitting the net 8 times in 62 appearances, the 21 year old has been playing out on the Bianconeri wing showcasing his pace, exquisite skills and dribbling ability. He is a very exciting player and this year‘s World Cup is the perfect stage for him to showcase this talent.
The World Cup is just around the corner... Real Talk Football
Early Morning Riser
Alas, I have a job that mandates I wake up early everyday. And I do it each day with reluctance, setting multiple alarms and giving thanks for the multiple ones that Roommate Cousin also sets. And never have I ever woken up late . . .
That was until today.
This morning, I woke up to the sound of Roommate Cousin leaving the apartment at 5:57 (her early departure would come into play), my alarm would sound in t-minus 3 minutes. At least that would have happened if I had not forgotten to set my alarms the night prior.
The minutes passed and I lay in bed content in sweet slumber, oblivious to the fact that nothing would alert me for my wake up call.
As I lay there, a loud honking began to occur outside my window. This car honked and honked and honked. I was annoyed. But then I finally checked the time. 6:28. Fifteen minutes past my usual rising. Panicked, I leapt out of bed, speaking audibly a profanity and quickly got ready. At 6:36, two minutes before I usually leave, I walked out my apartment door.
With granola bar in hand, I stood waiting for the el with minutes to spare. I stood their grateful for: my convenient location steps from the el station, my ocd that has me lay out clothes for the next day, granola bars, and cars that honk at 6:30 in the morning. I shiver at what may have happened had nothing forced me awake. I certainly would have been late; that's for sure.
And now, Baby and I are once again having a great Thursday. While putting her down for morning nap, I got a tad emotional holding her sweetly in my arms. She is just so perfect and adorable. And now that she is a pro at the napping thing, I am able to love her that much more! I can't imagine what it is like for real parents to watch their baby become an actual person. Today she is 10 months old! And as I held her, I got sad for the months ahead that we will be apart, but realized that I am so glad I will come back to her in the fall. Our bond is like magnets, distance will pull it apart, but as soon as we are back together, our magnetism will draw us together again!
We had lunch with Roommate cousin who just finished her last exam for the CPA! I am excited that we will have some time to have fun again before I take off. So today we ate lunch. It is nice having her work near by. She has joined Baby and I every day this week for lunch or coffee. It certainly makes the hours between nap 1 and nap 2 a lot of fun. And I think it is beneficial for Baby to have other human interaction, it helps her people skills, perhaps it will encourage her to stop growling like a lion and to speak at a manageable volume.
Then we returned home and I decided not to show her the video that makes her whine for half an hour and rather put on some Lady Gaga and motivational Christian music.
Then I read to her Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, in a fantastic British accent might I add. Then another nap! The rest of the day proceeded to be just as great.
Anyhow. Now I sit fresh from my walk/run at the good Ol' Jolly Rog Laundromat (solely to obtain internet access) at the end of another great Thursday. With a long weekend ahead and a roommate free of studying (and now officially a 3/4 CPA), the possibilities are endless. Just turning me into an early morning riser. No time to waste. The excitement of life awaits.
Siz Kötü Zemin Görmemişsiniz #8

IMTA's Eva Longoria Gives Back!
Check out this amazing video about IMTA alum Eva Longoria! Eva's sister has special needs and she started her own charity to help this group of people. Eva recently helped get the word out of how important participating in the 2010 census was. She competed at IMTA in 1998 and wowed all the agents and managers scouting at IMTA. She received 38 callbacks from representatives who wanted to sign her! She signed with a manager she had met at the convention and went on to star in the hugely popular TV show Desperate Housewives as the endearing and sassy Gabby Solis.
Sezonun Özeti

Fashion UK to create Playboy fashion collection
“We are excited to partner with Fashion UK, a well-established company that has specialized in licensed apparel, specifically fast-fashion, for many years,” said Adrianna Chinnici, vice president, licensing, Playboy Enterprises, Inc. “We look forward to revealing the new fashion-forward line of men’s and women’s apparel to consumers in the coming months.”
The Playboy-branded line will include vintage wash and jersey T-shirts – including music-inspired and embellished styles – as well as hoodies and joggers.
“Fashion UK is thrilled to collaborate with Playboy,” said Gurdev Mattu, managing director, Fashion UK, “The Playboy brand is both iconic and universally recognized, especially among our target audience that thrives on fun and fashionable products.”
Since 2001, Fashion UK has successfully specialised in Licensed Appareland leads the market in the terms of fashion and speed to market, thus creating an edge over its rivals whilst establishing a fresh concept at retail.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
DC Comics: 75 Kült Çizgi Roman Kapağı

Onuruna Sahip Çık!

Jessica Cambensy is big in Japan!

And her gorgeous commercial for the Spring & Summer 2010 Wacoal Collection!
Jessica Cambensy has modeled for Clinique, L'Oreal and Max Factor in Marie Claire and Cosmogirl. Jessica has also appeared in fashion editorials, in beauty spreads and in catalogs. She was also featured in a television ad for the cosmetics company Ponds. Jessica competed at IMTA in New York City in 2003 and has been following her dream of being a working model ever since!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Back to It
Last night, I put an end to it. The saga was finished as the last episode of Supernatural was viewed. Of course I made an evening of it, fixing a meal of veggie burger and sweet potato fries to accompany the viewing of my epic obsession. And it was great. It had the right amount of tear jerker moments, and it ended just as it should have. Ending with potential for a sixth season - thank goodness! It feels a tad surreal that this passion that consumed nap times and evenings is over. But the end comes at just the right time. And because it is over, I can now move on, which leads me back to my writing.
I found when I lived as an avid writer, somehow I felt more purpose in life. At the end of a long day, all of my thoughts and feelings could be channeled into my story and the words I put down on the page. Since letting my fervor for writing fall by the waist side, this sense of purpose seemed to falter. Certainly my blog felt the affect of my mind existing elsewhere. But now - with no more distractions - my life as a writer can begin again.
I almost think I should commit myself to another month long challenge, but I hope that won't be necessary.
Don't get me wrong - my Supernatural craze was well worth it. It provided a lot of imagery that can be channeled into this story. And well, they sure were mighty fine to look at, not to mention fantastically entertaining. But my young adult fantasy novel craze was far more conducive to my writing. However, I don't think that is a fad that I am quite ready to dive back into (though my summer goal is to read the whole Harry Potter series again - Baby and I are onto year 2). I want to read the classics. I want to read all of the works of the great authors out there.
Anyway . . . as I have now warmed up for over an hour and a half, I think it is best that I let my fingers do the talking and allow my mind to slip away into the great unknown.
I am excited to re-embark upon this adventure. I am ready to let the characters in my mind be those that I have written and whose story I set out to tell.
World Cup Countdown - Group H
The European champions are the World Cup favourites as they aim to collect their first ever title. The Spanish, along with the Dutch, were the only side to go unbeaten throughout the qualifying campaign with 10 wins from 10 games; finishing 11 points clear of nearest rivals Bosnia-Herzegovina. With the likes of Arsenal’s Cesc Fabregas, Real Madrid stars Sergio Ramos, Raul Albiol and Xabi Alonso, as well as Barcelona’s current stars; Xavi, Andres Iniesta, David Villa and Pedro, Spain have some of the best players in the World, let alone Europe. Not only do they have great players, they play great football. Expect them to cause a real stir.
Manager: Vicente del Bosque
The 59 year old has been in charge ever since Luis Aragones left after winning the Euro 2008 Championship. He guided Spain to the semi final of the Confederations Cup, where they suffered a surprise 2-0 defeat to the USA. However del Bosque made up for the disappointment by subsequently achieving an unblemished qualifying campaign.
Key Player: David Villa
With languishing doubts over the fitness of Fernando Torres, Barcelona’s new £34 million signing is one of the most unappreciated yet deadliest strikers in the World. The Spanish number 7, has scored 20 or more goals for any club, in all competitions, he has played for in the last nine years. These include clubs such as Sporting Gijon, Real Zaragoza and Valencia. In the qualifying campaign, he was Spain’s top goal scorer with 7 goals.
Best Finish: Fourth Place 1950
Prediction: Winners
Yep, the Spanish are my picks. With a starting line up including Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos, Raul Albiol, Carles Puyol, Alvaro Arbeloa, Iniesta, Xavi, Xabi Alonso, David Silva with Torres and Villa up front, can you name a better starting eleven in the world? More so the likes of Cesc Fabregas, Jaun Mata, Fernando Llorente are excellent back up options, while the likes of Victor Valdes and Pepe Reina as reserve Goalkeepers alone, Spain have the best squad and are in the best form heading into the tournament. An experienced manager such as del Bosque in charge, along with the experience of playing in South Africa already in the Confederations Cup, means Spain will undoubtedly be more than equipped to win the title for the first time.
The Swiss side are a team with a good array of players, however gave a poor account of themselves at the Euro 2008 championships, being labelled “boring”. This time round they finished top of their qualifying campaign ahead of fellow qualifiers Greece, with the evergreen Alexander Frei and Blaise Nkufo particularly impressing, with 5 goals each.
Manager: Ottmar Hitzfeld
The well travelled 61 year old has won numerous titles all over Europe, but is most renowned for his spell at Bayern Munich, with the German side being one of the best in the World at that period. Hitzfeld now however, is all about the international stage and has been in charge of the Swiss since 2008. After an shocking 2-1 defeat to minnows Luxembourg, the German boss shook up the whole squad, and led them to going the remainder of the qualifying campaign undefeated subsequently sealing their qualification.
Key Player: Philippe Senderos
I could of picked the star player and all time top goal scorer; Alex Frei, but instead I selected a man who is only 25 years of age, has bags of experience, and most importantly; a point to prove. He is out of contract at Arsenal and is expected to leave the club, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to show his qualities and find a new club.
Best Finish: Quarter Finals 1934, 1938, 1954
Prediction: Group Stage
An ageing squad will see them compete for second spot, but just fall short. Could prove me wrong however, should the likes of Hakan Yakin, Gokhan Inler and Tranquillo Barnetta perform to the standard they’re capable of.
Somewhat of a surprise entrant to the World Cup finals considering the distractions and continuous political unrest back in their home nation. However they managed to qualify third, behind USA and Mexico. The select few members of the squad ply their trade in Europe including Maynor Figueroa and Hendry Thomas of Wigan Athletic, Wilson Palacios of Tottenham and David Suazo of Genoa. Look out for 36 year old veteran and rejuvenated striker Carlos Pavon who has 98 caps and has scored 57 times.
Manager: Reinaldo Rueda
The 53 year old has been in charge of the Honduran national side since 2006, and is the former manager of the Columbia national team. According to FIFA’s official website, the Honduran side offers “sparkling attacking football and a solid backline.”
Key Player: Wilson Palacios
The 25 year old Tottenham player is a defensive midfield bulldog and is vital to the national side. He made his debut in 2003 and since played 68 times, scoring 5 goals.
Best Finish: N/A 1st appearance
Prediction: Group Stage
In a group were second spot is up for grabs; the Honduran team have shown in their qualifying campaign that they can score goals. This will be key to the Central Americans chances to make it through the group.
The South Americans have been absent from the World Cup tournament for the last 12 years, and finally make their return in 2010. Chile finished runners up in the CONMEBOL South American qualifying group, behind Brazil and ahead of Paraguay and Argentina. The Chilean’s attacking and technically gifted prowess are their undoubted strengths while their lack of physical strength and height could be their undoing. It seems the Chile side, who gave a great account of themselves in 1998 group stage, and somewhat have unfinished business. Look out for creative Mathias Fernandez, the skilful Jorge Valdivia, former Liverpool winger Mark Gonzalez and the young attacking star Alexis Sanchez of Udinese.
Manager: Marcelo Biesla
The Argentinean is somewhat of a strange and unique character, but is one of the best maangers on the South American continent. He has been in charge Chile for 3 years, and is known for his unorthodox training methods and his attention to detail. Can he formulate a plan to see the Chileans through? Only time will tell, but I believe he can.
Key Player: Humberto Suazo
I did a post on this individual a couple of months ago, which you can read here. I remember seeing this striker playing on TV a year ago and was impressed by his unbelievable attacking ability, so much so he finally made the trip to Europe and is playing for Real Zaragoza (where he scored 6 times in 17 appearances). The 29 year old was the top scorer in the CONMEBOL qualifiers with 10 goals. Expect him to cause all sorts of problems on the Worlds grandest stage.
Best Finish: Third Place 1962
Prediction: Second Round
I feel it’s between Chile, Switzerland and Honduras for second place, but under Marcelo Biesla the Chileans could definitely be the favourites to sneak through, thanks to their excellent qualifying campaign.
Now you have an in depth analysis of all the teams in this years World Cup, so remember to cast your vote for who you think will win.
Real Talk Football