Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Makeup Routine

When I did my Ask Me Anything post, I only had one question submitted (sad face). Thank you, Jessica, for helping me out....even though it's been a few weeks since you asked!

Note: This post is picture heavy. Kudos to you if you make it to the end.

Here was her question:
alright, i am always so interested in other girls makeup routines. so melanie, what is your makeup routine? also what's your go to facewash? happy friday! have a great weekend!

I'm actually kind of embarrassed that my face always looks so PLAIN since I used to be a Mary Kay consultant. (I really should be practicing what I taught in those classes and learned in those conferences!)

First, here is part my stash.
Most of the basics are kept in this zebra train case.

Then I have the eyeliner, mascara, and lip stuff in here.

These Mary Kay brushes are fantastic!
My first step is to put on foundation and then lately I've been topping it off with powder.
I'm not super happy with this foundation. I want my skin to look flawless, like every other woman, but I don't feel like I get very good coverage with this. Any suggestions?

I have just started putting this on over my liquid foundation. I think it 'sets' it and makes it look more finished.

Then I do the cheeks.

Then I move on to eyes.
These are leftover from my MK days. Some of these are hideous on, but I hate throwing them out.
I mostly use Garnet(bottom row, second from left), which you can tell is almost out. My go-to lately is the silvery color on the bottom row and then the darker color beside it.
The round on the very bottom right is from E.L.F. I don't think it sticks like the MK eye colors do.
I'm dying for the Naked collection from Urban Decay.
Then I add the eyeliner and mascara. I'm having so much trouble finding a mascara that will make my super short eyelashes look long and voluminous. Suggestions?

Finally, I do lips, which consist of a lipstick and Cream and Sugar lip gloss.

I finish the look with this.
I really  believe this helps my makeup stay on longer. AND it was only $1. Score!

Before I go to bed, I (try to) always wash the makeup off. I just started doing this a few months ago, and I'm finally starting to make it routine, even if it is super simple!

This is it. I use one of these to get the makeup off and go to bed. If it were more complicated, I wouldn't do it.
For nights when I'm feeling adventurous, I may add in a step or two, but that is few and far between.
For when I'm feeling dry, even though this should be applied morning and night.

Have you tried this stuff? It really is amazing! Should be done twice a week, but I only do it like once a month. Shame on me!
What is your routine like? What are you using that I should try? Please please give me some suggestions!


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